About Orkana

Orkana publishing house was established in 1993. We publish 20–30 new titles per year, both Norwegian and translated fiction and non-fiction, both for adults and children. Our non-fiction publications cover thematic areas such as philosophy, art, history, politics, the environment and social sciences. Thus, our publications range from penetrating scientific analyses to novels suitable for the general reader. Our general aim is to publish high quality books within all genres.

Orkana forlag is accredited as a level 1 academic publishing channel in The Norwegian Centre for Research Data’s Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers and has published academic literature since 2010.

Commisioned productions

Orkana has released a series of books commissioned by / in collaboration with companies and organizations.

Sample from the book Krigsdagbok fra Murmansk published in cooperation with UiT Norges arktiske universitet here:

and Arktisk litteratur, author Henning Howlid Wærp also in cooperation with the University in Tromsø:

Arktisk litteratur


Please contact us if you have an idea you would like to discuss with us

Orkana Akademisk

Orkana was accredited in 2010 as an academic publisher and has set up a department, Orkana Akademisk, which publishes peer reviewed publications that generate points in the national measuring system for academic publications. Orkana has also taken over the portfolio of ‘Læringsforlaget i Østfold’ to give the publishing house access to parts of the university college market in the south of Norway.

Catalogue presenting the titles:


For Open access publishing, kindly use the information link.

Open Access

Orkana Akademisk provides all forms of Open Access publishing. Research is published openly and digitally and is downloaded from our websites by the user, free of charge, by just one click.

Open Access publishing releases the rights to the work. This in practice is resolved through Creative Commons rights. The most common forms of Creative Commons rights provides the user with permission to use and reproduce parts or all the work if the content owner is accredited as set out in guidelines.

We publish articles, anthologies, monographs and journals in cooperation with our authors and the institutions we work with. Contact the publisher Elisabeth Johansen if you have any questions or would like to enter into a cooperation on Open Access publishing.

Orkana forlag is accredited as a level 1 academic publishing channel in The Norwegian Centre for Research Data’s Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers.

Every publishing request is handled by our academic committee, which consists of six independent professors and subject experts associated with different universities in Norway. The committee recommends peers or environments where peers can be found, and Orkana Akademisk’s administration enters into agreements with peers for each issue based on the subject area. Competence is always evaluated when entering into agreements with peers.

All works for publication are evaluated anonymously by one or more external peers that are not linked to the author or publisher before publication. This applies to both monograph and contributions to anthologies. Peers then submit a written report in the form of a critical review of the manuscript and a recommendation to publish or not. The manuscript’s quality is analysed in which presentation, originality and whether the material provides new knowledge is emphasised. Here you will find books which are available as open access:


Læringsforlaget is an academic publisher originally from Østfold. In 2014, Orkana took over Læringsforlaget. Several of the titles are still syllabus at Norwegian universities and colleges.



Elisabeth Johansen, publisher
Ph. 0047 913 68 260

Marcus Bøhn, editor
Ph. 0047 900 82 731

Office address:  J.M. Johansens vei 16, 8340 Stamsund

Postal address and office in Oslo: Industrigt. 46 a, 0357 Oslo